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planet order : 7th from the sun 
Distance from the sun : 2871.0 million Km
Mass : 8.683x10^25 Kg
Diameter : 51.118 Km
Rotation : 17 h 14 mn 
Revolution : 84.0 year
Number of moon : 27 moons
Terrestrial or jovian

Planet Description 
Uranus has a very thick cloud cover and the atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia and it has 11 rings.

Interesting Facts  
Uranus is the fourth massive planet. It was named after a greek Deity of the heavens, the earliest supreme god. It is the third largest. It is the coldest planetary atmosphere in the solar system and it is the only planet which rotates on its side. 

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Critical Thinking

1. What effect does water temperature have on the creation of hurricane?
When the ocean water gets too warm it creates the tropical cyclone which is a strong wind that forms the  hurricane.

2. Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?
There would be more damage to an area during high tide because during high tide the water level increase, which means there would be strong waves and the water would come onshore and cause flood.

3. If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
This will be more dangerous for an area because the water does not go into the ground, it stays on the ground if the water level increase it can cause flood in the area and the trees in the area will fall down.


What is something the you liked about this mini-project?
The thing I liked is that we learned what causes hurricane and I also learn that the same water goes around and comes around from the water cycle part.

What was difficult for you on this project?
The thing that was difficult about this was to write a paragraph for each topic: hurricane, groundwater, tide, flood simply from the presentation and notes we gat from the students and to include vocabulary word in it too. 

What would you change about your work on this project?
The thing I would change is that I would underline the vocabulary words which I forgot to do so that I wouldn‘t lose point. 

How this this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
This project helped me learn that hurricane happen when the ocean water is too warm, that hurricane causes flood and that the strong wind breaks the trees.

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