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Having Fun Learning about Minerals

All minerals have different properties such, color, hardness and others.
the properties that I learned are:

Luster: The mineral can be either metallic meaning it looks like metal or non-metallic maning it does not look like metal.
Color: All minerals can have different colors like pink, blue, etc. We can determine they color by rubbing them against the streak plate.
Hardness: Is how hard or soft is the mineral. Moh's scale sort them form 1 to 10 the bigger the number the harder the mineral.
Cleavage: Is the way that te mineral breaks if the mineral breaks evenly in straight line then it's cleavage.
Fracture: When the mineral breaks unevenly it's fracture.
Composition: It's what materials make up the mineral.

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
The thing I enjoyed most about tis project is to guess the mineral without testing the properties that is to say I liked the hypothesis because it was challenging.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me was to download the picture. There was so many pictures that I got confuse and upload them twice then delete them. Sometimes I  deleted the wrong so, it took me longer to finish the video.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
From doing this project i learn to manage time and to do the most important things first. i also learn to make some sacrifice to have good result.

Is there anything you coud have done to improve any of your work?
I would have taking less time making the videos because I made some videos that wasn't even necessary. Then I would have time to focus on other parts of the project.

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