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Having Fun Learning about Minerals

All minerals have different properties such, color, hardness and others.
the properties that I learned are:

Luster: The mineral can be either metallic meaning it looks like metal or non-metallic maning it does not look like metal.
Color: All minerals can have different colors like pink, blue, etc. We can determine they color by rubbing them against the streak plate.
Hardness: Is how hard or soft is the mineral. Moh's scale sort them form 1 to 10 the bigger the number the harder the mineral.
Cleavage: Is the way that te mineral breaks if the mineral breaks evenly in straight line then it's cleavage.
Fracture: When the mineral breaks unevenly it's fracture.
Composition: It's what materials make up the mineral.

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
The thing I enjoyed most about tis project is to guess the mineral without testing the properties that is to say I liked the hypothesis because it was challenging.

What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me was to download the picture. There was so many pictures that I got confuse and upload them twice then delete them. Sometimes I  deleted the wrong so, it took me longer to finish the video.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
From doing this project i learn to manage time and to do the most important things first. i also learn to make some sacrifice to have good result.

Is there anything you coud have done to improve any of your work?
I would have taking less time making the videos because I made some videos that wasn't even necessary. Then I would have time to focus on other parts of the project.

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Activities within the Earth

Lithosphere Layer
Topic: Theory of Plate Tectonics
summary: The large piece of crust whish are lands are known as plates. There are two types of plates; The continental and the oceanic plate. The continental plate is the land that we live on and the oceanic plate is the land under the surface of the ocean. The theory of the plate Tectonics talks about how the plates moved and change shape throughout history. Plates are always moving, their movement is caused by the convection currents.

Topic: Continental Drift
Summary: All the continents; Europe, Asia, America, Africa used to be together as one huge landmass called Pangea. As time pass the Pangea separated into pieces and these pieces moved to the position that they are today and are know as continents.

Topic: Faults
Summary: Faults happen when the earth breaks and each part move. When one piece goes down it's known as normal faults. When one piece of the broken earth move up it's know as reverse fault. When the pieces of earth slide past each other horizontally it's know as Strike-slip fault. Fault cause earthquake to happen.

Brainpop video
Topic: Eatrh's interior
Summary: Scientist were able to get an idea of what earth's interior is made of because of earthquake waves. They noticed how the waves bend when they travel through different materials. The layers of the earth's interior are the Crust which is the land that we  live on and the oceanic plate is the land under the surface of the ocean. The Mantle is the second layer of earth's interior. There is the upper mantle also know as Athenosphere which is soft and liquid it cause the plates (crust) to move. There's the lower mantle which is extremely hot and it's solid. The mantle is about 2,900 km deep and it' s the biggest part of the earth. Finally there is the core which is divided into two the outer core which is the only liquid layer and made up of iron and nickel also very hot about 2,300 km deeper and inner core which is solid also made up of iron and nickel and is extremely hot. The crust is also know as lithosphere. There are three types of sphere; the lithosphere refer to land, Hydrosphere for water and atmosphere for air. Inside the layers of the earth the materials are dense, the more solid the more dense.   

Topic: Earthquakes
Summary: Earthquake is caused by the movement of the plates. The plates move either up or down or slide past each other. The movement of these plates build pressure inside the rocks and cause them to crack or break. This break cause release seismic waves. There are three types of waves, the p-wave is the first one released it's the fastest and it moves up and down. The s-wave is the second wave it moves back and forth. The L-wave is the last one the slowest and most dangerous it moves up and down and back and forth. A seismograph is used to measure and record the earthquake. The magnitude is how big or how long the earthquake lasted. The focus is where the pressure was built and where the earth breaks earthquake begin. The epicenter is the area where earthquake hits above the focus. the earthquake that happens under water is called Tsunami.

Topic: Faults
Summary:  Faults happen when the earth breaks and each part move. When one piece goes down it's know as normal faults. When one piece of the broken earth move up it's know as reverse fault. When the pieces of earth slide past each other horizontally it's know as Strike-slip fault. Fault cause earthquake to happen.

Asthenosphere Layer
Foldables, Quiz and Answer sheet.
Topic: Plate Boundary
Summary:  There are three different plate boundaries: There is the Divergent boundary in which the plates move apart form each other it has three affects it creates the Sea-floor Spreading plates under the ocean are sinking down and new ones are forming by magma, the Mid-ocean Ridge which is mountain range under the ocean and the  Rift Valley which is a flat area between two ridges. There is also the Convergent Boundary that is when two plates are moving toward each other. In it results the Subduction zone the place where a plate goes under another, the Mountain Building mountains form by the plates coming together and the Deep Sea Trench a giant hole in the ocean floor due to the subduction of plates. Finally there is the Transform Boundary which is when two plates slide past each other. This boundary cause earthquake and tsunami to happen.

Topic: Volcano
Summary: Volcanoes are formed near plate boundaries. Volcanoes have melted rock known magma inside of them and when it erupts out of the volcano it's called Lava. There are three types of volcano; The shield volcano which is made up of layers of lava that have dried an hardened. The cinder cone volcano which is made of rock particles, dust from lava and ash. Lastly the composite volcano which is made up of both rock particles and lava that has dried and hardened, it's the most dangerous one. When the mantle gets very hot it forces magma to come up to the surface when this magma is hardened it creates islands. But when the mantle still shoot magma up to the spot that has the island and it forms volcano that is still active. The spot in the mantle that is extremely hot to cause magma to come up to the surface is the hot spot.  

Demonstration Lab
Topic: Convection Currents
Summary: The experiment that we did is like the convection current. it shows how the food coloring is moving in the water the same as the convection current when the heat cause the plates to move. The  food coloring is moving to the same as the convection current. The color is pushed up by the heat like the plates are able to move because of the heat in the mantle. Convection  cause the plates to move by going in circles sinking the cold plates to the bottom and moving the hot plates to the surface.

Mantle Layer
Narrative video
Topic: The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Summary: The large piece of crust whish are lands are know as plates. There are tow types of plates; The continental and the oceanic plate. The continental plate is the land that we live on and the oceanic plate is the land under the surface of the ocean. The theory of the plate Tectonics talks about how the plates moved and change shape throughout history. Plates are always moving, their movement is caused by the convection currents. 

Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?
I do agree with the Theory of Plates Tectonics because after learning all about the earth's movement it makes sense to me. most importantly because there are evidence for it like the kind of fossils that are found on the continents and also because of the plate boundaries that show how the plates move because convection currents.  
1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
The thing I enjoyed most during this project was making the foldables I had the chance to design them however I wanted and also create different kind of foldables. 

2.What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging part for me was to make the narrative video. I am not very skilled with Imovie so I had a hard time. I had to wait for my turn to ask the teacher for help. So I sort of depended a lot on my teacher and classmates for this part of the project.

3.What new skills did you learn form doing this project?
I learned how to use Imovie yay! hope I get to use it again in the future. I also got to practice writing things in my own words and I learned so much more about the earth than I knew before.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I wish I had giving a better quiz for my presentation. I did make another quiz but I couldn't print it because we had to present ASAP so in the end I didn't get to work with it.  

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Learning About Eclipses

Solar Eclipse, Eclipse solaire is an event that happens when the moon covers the surface of the sun and the is not visible to us on earth.

Lunar Eclipse , Eclipse lunaire is the process in which the moon is blocked by the earth's shadow and the moon becomes invisible. 

Umbra, Ombre is the darker part of the shadow that reflects on the sun or the moon during the Total eclipse.
Penumbra, , Penombre is the lighter part of the shadow that reflects on the sun or the moon during the partial
Total Eclipse, Eclipse total is the event in which the entire surface of the sun or the moon is covered.
Partital Eclipse, Eclipse partielle is the event in which only part of the sun or the moon's surface is covered.  

Lunar revolution, Luniare revolution  is the movement of the moon around the earth.
 note: orange for french translation
Summary of the topic
This topic is entirely about Eclipses and it involves the sun, the earth and the moon. An eclipse is an event that happens rarely, there is the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse. The Solar eclipse happens when we on earth are unable to see the surface of the sun which means while the moon revolves around the earth it passes between the sun and the earth and blocks our view of the sun's surface. The lunar eclipse happens because of lunar revolution while the moon moves around the earth, it goes behind the earth into its shadow and the shadow blocks the surface of the moon. There is a light and dark part of the shadow that is reflected on the moon or the sun. The dark part which is the Umbra causes the total eclipse meaning that all the sun or moon is covered and the light part of the shadow which is the Penumbra causes the partial eclipse meaning only part of the surface of the moon or sun is blocked.


How is the earth affected by movement (revolution)?
There are many affects on earth because of its Revolution around the sun for example the seasons: Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring these seasons are possible because the Earth receives direct and indirect sunlight from the sun while the earth revolves around the sun. The revolution of the earth is very important because we have the different seasons or else one part of the earth would always be cold and the other part would always be hot. Another affect is caused by the lunar revolution which is the movement of the moon on its orbit around the earth. It cause the Spring tide that happens when the sun, earth and moon are in straight line and the water level on earth is high and low and it also causes the Neap tide that happens when the sun, earth and moon form an L shape and the water level on earth is equal. So this all means that the Water on earth is following the moon.

What did you like about this project and why?
I liked the part where I get to plan how the presentation will go on the board and also the part when we were filming
What new skills did you learn?

I learned how to better organize a presentation and how to have fun doing it.
What was most challenging for you during this project?
The challenging part was to organize and find a good way to film the Eclipse presentation
Is there anything you have done to improve you any of you work? why?

I would do something about the video, maybe make it more creative. As for my presentation I would have put the native language words sideand I wish I didn't miss a day of the project

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Geologic Time Scale

The Paleogene Period was During 65 to 25 years ago. The temperature was usually low. The lands that connected were Antartica and Australia, North America and Europe, Europe and asia. It is the time when the first mammals appeared.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project?
The thing I enjoyed most about the project was making the video and choosing the songs for it.

2. What was most challenging about this project?
The  most challenging part of this project was to find reference for eveything you use such as pictures and information.
3. What would you change about this project and why?
I would change the amount of tine we had to work on it because it wasn't enough for me and I couldn't get it done on time.

4. What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
The that things I learned about this project are don't waste time playing around get as much things done as you can. I learned about the ice age and I also learned about the first mammals appeared during the Paleogene Period.    

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the stars

what is a star
A star is a giant ball of gas and dust with very hot temperature. Star are sometimes very big even bigger than the sun. howvever they look very small to us on earth and are only visible at night time. It is hot because in the center it has nuclear fusion. they can be different colors and sizes.

Types of stars

There are four types of stars. First there are the supergiants these stars have the highest luminosity and different degree of temperature. Secondly there are the white dwarfs these stars are white and have the lowest luminosity and high temperature. Thirdly there are the giants but there are different kinds: there are the redgiants, the bluegiants and the yellowgiants. These stars have highest luminosity and low temperature. Lastly there are the main sequence stars these stars have different luminosity temperature and sizes.

H-R Diagram
The H-R Diagram is like a graph where we sort the stars base on their luminosity, temperature, type, color, spectral class, size and name. It gives all the necessary information about stars.

Nuclear fusion
A star is a giant ball of hot gas. In the extremely hot center there’s nuclear reaction, it turns two hydrogen gas into helium molecule this process is called nuclear fusion it creates energy.

The life cycle of a stars
First of all the star assembled inside of the stellar nebula then it becomes a sun-like-star then it grows into red giant after it explode into a planetary nebula then the pieces pack up together to become a white dwarf and get smaller into a black dwarf.
It is created inside of the stellar nebula, it become a huge Star then it gets bigger into red super giant then it immensely explode into supernova after it gets small into a neutron star.
It is created inside of the stellar nebula, it become a huge Star then it gets bigger into red super giant then it immensely explode into supernova after it gets small into a neutron star.

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planet order : 7th from the sun 
Distance from the sun : 2871.0 million Km
Mass : 8.683x10^25 Kg
Diameter : 51.118 Km
Rotation : 17 h 14 mn 
Revolution : 84.0 year
Number of moon : 27 moons
Terrestrial or jovian

Planet Description 
Uranus has a very thick cloud cover and the atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia and it has 11 rings.

Interesting Facts  
Uranus is the fourth massive planet. It was named after a greek Deity of the heavens, the earliest supreme god. It is the third largest. It is the coldest planetary atmosphere in the solar system and it is the only planet which rotates on its side. 

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Critical Thinking

1. What effect does water temperature have on the creation of hurricane?
When the ocean water gets too warm it creates the tropical cyclone which is a strong wind that forms the  hurricane.

2. Why would there be more damage to an area during high tide?
There would be more damage to an area during high tide because during high tide the water level increase, which means there would be strong waves and the water would come onshore and cause flood.

3. If an area is fully saturated, how will this be more dangerous for an area?
This will be more dangerous for an area because the water does not go into the ground, it stays on the ground if the water level increase it can cause flood in the area and the trees in the area will fall down.


What is something the you liked about this mini-project?
The thing I liked is that we learned what causes hurricane and I also learn that the same water goes around and comes around from the water cycle part.

What was difficult for you on this project?
The thing that was difficult about this was to write a paragraph for each topic: hurricane, groundwater, tide, flood simply from the presentation and notes we gat from the students and to include vocabulary word in it too. 

What would you change about your work on this project?
The thing I would change is that I would underline the vocabulary words which I forgot to do so that I wouldn‘t lose point. 

How this this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
This project helped me learn that hurricane happen when the ocean water is too warm, that hurricane causes flood and that the strong wind breaks the trees.

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