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Geologic Time Scale

The Paleogene Period was During 65 to 25 years ago. The temperature was usually low. The lands that connected were Antartica and Australia, North America and Europe, Europe and asia. It is the time when the first mammals appeared.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project?
The thing I enjoyed most about the project was making the video and choosing the songs for it.

2. What was most challenging about this project?
The  most challenging part of this project was to find reference for eveything you use such as pictures and information.
3. What would you change about this project and why?
I would change the amount of tine we had to work on it because it wasn't enough for me and I couldn't get it done on time.

4. What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
The that things I learned about this project are don't waste time playing around get as much things done as you can. I learned about the ice age and I also learned about the first mammals appeared during the Paleogene Period.    

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IHSL Inna Kim said...

I like your video! It has all the important information and your pictures are very detailed!

Anonymous said...

great video Loumia and I think you put lot of effort in it, and I like it.

ihslkimberlyacosta said...

i enjoyed ur video. it has lots of important information and very good pictures :)

IHSL Francisco Batista Perez said...

Good job Loumia you put good information and good pictures.

LOUDMIA said...

you've worked so hard on this project! it looks great! you did a wonderful job with description and details! I also like your video!!!:)

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