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Learning About Eclipses

Solar Eclipse, Eclipse solaire is an event that happens when the moon covers the surface of the sun and the is not visible to us on earth.

Lunar Eclipse , Eclipse lunaire is the process in which the moon is blocked by the earth's shadow and the moon becomes invisible. 

Umbra, Ombre is the darker part of the shadow that reflects on the sun or the moon during the Total eclipse.
Penumbra, , Penombre is the lighter part of the shadow that reflects on the sun or the moon during the partial
Total Eclipse, Eclipse total is the event in which the entire surface of the sun or the moon is covered.
Partital Eclipse, Eclipse partielle is the event in which only part of the sun or the moon's surface is covered.  

Lunar revolution, Luniare revolution  is the movement of the moon around the earth.
 note: orange for french translation
Summary of the topic
This topic is entirely about Eclipses and it involves the sun, the earth and the moon. An eclipse is an event that happens rarely, there is the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse. The Solar eclipse happens when we on earth are unable to see the surface of the sun which means while the moon revolves around the earth it passes between the sun and the earth and blocks our view of the sun's surface. The lunar eclipse happens because of lunar revolution while the moon moves around the earth, it goes behind the earth into its shadow and the shadow blocks the surface of the moon. There is a light and dark part of the shadow that is reflected on the moon or the sun. The dark part which is the Umbra causes the total eclipse meaning that all the sun or moon is covered and the light part of the shadow which is the Penumbra causes the partial eclipse meaning only part of the surface of the moon or sun is blocked.


How is the earth affected by movement (revolution)?
There are many affects on earth because of its Revolution around the sun for example the seasons: Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring these seasons are possible because the Earth receives direct and indirect sunlight from the sun while the earth revolves around the sun. The revolution of the earth is very important because we have the different seasons or else one part of the earth would always be cold and the other part would always be hot. Another affect is caused by the lunar revolution which is the movement of the moon on its orbit around the earth. It cause the Spring tide that happens when the sun, earth and moon are in straight line and the water level on earth is high and low and it also causes the Neap tide that happens when the sun, earth and moon form an L shape and the water level on earth is equal. So this all means that the Water on earth is following the moon.

What did you like about this project and why?
I liked the part where I get to plan how the presentation will go on the board and also the part when we were filming
What new skills did you learn?

I learned how to better organize a presentation and how to have fun doing it.
What was most challenging for you during this project?
The challenging part was to organize and find a good way to film the Eclipse presentation
Is there anything you have done to improve you any of you work? why?

I would do something about the video, maybe make it more creative. As for my presentation I would have put the native language words sideand I wish I didn't miss a day of the project

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